Sycamore Class

Meet the Sycamore Class Team

  • Amy

  • Izzy

  • Sycamore class is our area for inquisitive 2 year olds. Sycamore provides a stimulating and inviting environment that encourages and supports learning through play, the room and it’s resources are also changed regularly to meet the needs and interests of the children. Sycamore promotes the curiosity approach, allowing children to explore natural, real life objects, encouraging their imaginative play.

  • Sycamore is very to lucky to have patio doors that lead onto a large decking area, activities are set up daily for the children these include continual provision of water and sand play. The decking area also has a gate that leads into another garden area where the children can have soft play set up and we have used it to grow our own vegetable patch, there are endless possibilities. Sycamore go for regular walks in the woods, to the local park and to local shops; promoting British values, children are taught about road safety and we enjoy exploring the outdoors whatever the weather!

  • Circle time every day is an opportunity to take part in group activities and listen to stories. Staff use props and puppets during these times to hold children’s attention and develop their concentration.

    Children usually begin toilet training in this room and have potties constantly available. Once they have mastered the art of using these, they have free access to their own toilets in the bathroom. Children are given plenty of verbal praise and encouragement to succeed together with their own reward charts.